

Donald Duck stalls out in a pipe in it, so will love it.

Donald Duck stalls out in a pipe in it, so will love it.

McDuck is McBack! Tightwad McBack that is! As is Donald, Launchpad McQuack, Webby Webigale, and obviously the widely adored talking duck triplets (I'm expecting), Huey, Dewey and Louie, all in the principal cut for the up and coming Disney XD variant of DuckTales. We've heard the signature melody, now we can see the show A couple of things about this new form right away spring up — getting a page from the first Carl Barks funnies on which DuckTales was gotten from, Donald is again a hapless star and globe-trotter (in this world, regarded no less!). Penny pincher McDuck's adventuring days are behind him, as his nephews haul him out of his funk and into—a submarine! Gracious definitely! We get looks of a couple of different characters and regions — however no Magica DeSpell, Beagle Boys, or Glomgold. We do get a blob of snakes, and I'm certain those previously mentioned scalawags will show up within the near future. What do you think about the clasp? How can it contrast with the first show? Tell us in the remarks or on Twitter at
